2024 Abstracts

Scientific Abstract Template    Case Report Abstract Template 

The 2024 ASPC Abstract Committee invites the submission of abstracts to be presented at the 2024 ASPC Annual Congress on Cardiovascular Disease Prevention August 2-4, 202 at the Hyatt Regency hotel in Salt Lake City, UT. Submitted abstracts will be considered for the poster hall and accepted abstracts will be published in the American Journal of Preventive Cardiology*.

*Previously published abstracts are excluded.

All abstracts must be submitted via the ASPC Abstract Submission Portal, accessible by clicking on “Submit Your Abstract” button above/below. You must utilize the 2024 ASPC Abstract Submission Template to submit your research in the Submission Portal. Please be sure to read all instructions, information, and policies closely.

Important Dates

  • Abstract Submission Deadline: April 1, 2024
  • Abstract Acceptance Notification: May 15, 2024
  • Accepted Author Registration Deadline for Annual Congress on CVD Prevention: June 24, 2024


ASPC Early Career Awards

Early Career (in training students, residents, and fellows or members in practice for <5 years) authors will have the chance to compete for the ASPC's Early Career Research Award. Cash prizes of $750, $500, and $250 will be presented to the top 3 Early Career Research Award authors who will present their research during the Early Career Abstract Session at the 2024 Annual Congress on CVD Prevention. Presenting Authors eligible for the Early Career Award must upload a CV with their submission.

Awards Disclaimer

If you are the selected to compete for our Early Career Research Awards, you are required to register and attend the 2024 Congress on CVD Prevention, as well as attend all abstract-related responsibilities. These responsibilities include hanging your poster in the Poster Hall, standing by your poster in the poster hall during the designated times, as well as attend the oral presentation session. If you fail to attend these events, your prize and/or travel money could be revoked, and you could be excluded from future abstract awards.

The Roger S. Blumenthal Travel Award for Early Career Abstract Research Award Winner

This Award will provide the 1st place Early Career Research Abstract Award Winner with a cash reimbursement of travel and registration expenses to present on stage at the ASPC 2024 Congress on CVD Prevention. The Roger S. Blumenthal Travel Award is named in honor of Dr. Roger Blumenthal, MD, FASPC, the Kenneth Jay Pollin Professor of Cardiology, Professor of Medicine and Director of the Johns Hopkins Ciccarone Center of the Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease in Baltimore, Maryland.

Oral Poster Presentation Awards

A select number of top scoring abstracts will also be invited to present a short oral presentation in the Poster Hall during designated General Session breaks. These presentations will be graded and awarded on-site. 

Presentation Methods

All accepted abstracts may be displayed in the Poster Hall. Poster production and display is the responsibility of the Author(s). Posters much be no larger than 4' wide x 8' high. Accepted authors must be registered for the 2024 ASPC Congress on CVD Prevention by June 24, 2024.

Authors that have been selected for an Oral Poster Presentation or the Early Career Research Presentations will be notified no later than June 1, 2024.


Abstract Submission Instructions

Please read through the submission instructions below before preparing your abstract:

  1. Read the General Information and Policies listed below for the submission of an abstract.
  2. Download the 2024 Abstract Submission Template - please select SCIENTIFIC or CASE REPORT.
  3. Write your abstract, following the Abstract Guidelines and following the format laid out within the selected Template.
  4. Select a Topic that best relates to your abstract.
  5. Review the Acceptance and Presentation Process for abstracts.
  6. Submit your abstract through the Online Abstract Submission Form by uploading the appropriate 2024 Abstract Submission Template.
  7. Register to attend the 2024 Congress on Cardiovascular Disease Prevention by June 15, 2024.

General Information and Policies

  • Please only submit FINAL abstracts. Draft abstracts will NOT be considered. Take note of any deadlines under the appropriate call for abstracts and be sure to complete the process before that date.
  • To submit an abstract, all the authors listed on the abstract must approve the final version. In addition, each author listed on the abstract should have made a substantial contribution to it, such as 1) contributing to the conception and design of the study and the acquisition of data; 2) analysis and interpretation of the data; and/or 3) drafting the poster and/or revising it critically for important intellectual content. Full disclosures must be provided for each author. These requirements are taken seriously by ASPC and any failure to fully comply with these requirements may result in an abstract being withdrawn from the ASPC abstracts program.
  • It is the responsibility of the lead author to ensure that his or her abstract is submitted correctly.
  • Abstracts will be reviewed by the appointed ASPC Abstracts Review Committee Member.
  • Faxed, emailed or mailed hard-copy abstracts or abstracts sent on a CD/disc WILL NOT be accepted. If you are unable to submit via the website, please contact the ASPC Annual Meeting
  • One of the lead abstract authors are required to register for the 2024 Annual Congress on Cardiovascular Disease Prevention no later than June 15, 2024 to ensure his or her abstract is included at the Conference.


Christine Canevari
Phone: 813-600-9100
Email: ccanevari@aspconline.org


The ASPC will not be responsible for abstract submissions not received via the website or for submission errors caused by Internet service outages, hardware or software delays, power outages, or unforeseen events.

Abstract Guidelines

Content Guidelines

Abstracts for poster entries submitted for competition can only be accepted electronically and must adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Abstracts are limited to 350 words. (Word count excludes the abstract title, author names, and affiliations.) Please include all authors names, credentials and affiliations.
  • Abstracts must be divided into sections: Title, Background, Methods, Results, and Conclusion that states the importance and potential implications of the observations.
  • Abstracts must be proofread carefully to avoid errors before submission.
  • Abstracts must contain generic drug names only.
  • Abstracts must be submitted in clear English with accurate grammar and spelling of a quality suitable for publication.
  • All authors must disclose all relevant financial relationships.
  • Any funding support for the research must be disclosed.
  • The main research findings should not have been presented at another major scientific meeting prior to presentation at the ASPC Sessions.



The purpose of the abstract is to define the precise subject of the presentation to an audience. Below you will find a checklist for abstract preparation. All abstracts are considered equally for selection, and the quality of the abstract is the single most important factor in the Committee's decision.

Utilizing the 2024 Abstract Submission Templates, please include the following information:

  • Title
  • Background - A concise description of your subject matter and prior work in this area.
  • Methods - The experimental design or technique employed.
  • Results - Outcomes & measurements, with statistical significance, if appropriate
  • Conclusion - Conclusions, clinical pertinence, and value or for Workshops and Presentations, the prevailing point of view.
  • Authors - If you would like to be considered for Early Career Research Award, the Primary/Presenting Author should also upload a brief paragraph describing their qualifications in the chosen subject area and/or a CV.
  • Tables and Figures - Upload a table or figure that show results related to your research.


Abstract Submission Topics
  • To ensure your abstract receives proper consideration, the abstract must relate to an appropriate topic in the field of Cardiology and cardiovascular disease prevention. Abstract authors will be required to indicate which topic BEST matches the content of their abstract.
  • ASCVD/CVD Risk Factors
  • ASCVD/CVD Risk Assessment
  • ASCVD /CVD Risk Reduction
  • CVD Prevention – Primary and Secondary
  • Preventive Cardiology Best Practices – clinic operations, team approaches, outcomes research
  • Metabolic Syndrome
  • Diabetes
  • Kidney Disease
  • Obesity
  • Novel Biomarkers
  • Pharmacologic Therapy
  • Nutrition/Exercise
  • ASCD/CVD in Women
  • ASCVD/CVD in Special Populations
  • Heart Failure
  • Ischemic Stroke
  • Peripheral Artery Disease
  • Alterative and Complimentary Approaches
  • Rehabilitation
  • Other

If you do not see an appropriate topic listed above that best relates to your abstract, please contact the ASPC office at ccanevari@aspconline.org or call 813-600-9100.


Acceptance and Presentation Process

Abstract grading is blinded, and abstracts are pre-screened and selected by ASPC judges based on quality and merit. You will be notified no later than May 15, 2024 if your poster is accepted. All accepted abstract authors are required to register for the 2023 Annual Congress on Cardiovascular Disease Prevention August 2-4, 2024.

You will receive further instructions once your abstract has been accepted.

Scientific Abstract Template    Case Report Abstract Template